This page tries to compose on the theme of activity participation as elder civilian.

Of course the site is also meant to be a bridge to co-creating civilians who want to link there co-creation to this site ...

put them in!and there will be a world wide collection of inspirational events and manifestations of people.

let get the focus of our beloved waves and get inside ...

after 6 minutes having spend some timegap together with all other human/souls there we can have a dialogue ... see the text below as a story digesting all your cells into the dialogue on integral democracy just find your topic to plug in ...

NamasteY (here the story follows soon before 2009)

february 5, 2009 :: BEN2 ~ Lunar SkywalkerDay 27 in ResonanT MooN , year StorM Tree

as you see this timeslot gives inspiration to accept a GAP : Galactic Activation Portal ...

This means whenever you read this by then you can join this PortaL Moment ...

In the Progam of Sunseals this Second Tone of Ben is AligneD to the PrograM of ReeD1 ~ QuetzalcoatL ... a white featheRed Serpent / TerraPensAr ... (just fantasize on a given art igniting the self pilot in dancemodus)


The LiFe Force ... is a vibration that includes "2 x F" and an "L" ...

This is very relevant to the bodily equipment that facilitates your mindvessel which is the captain of its ship ...

"F" ignites two mediums (monad beings - hu-man) in a unifying vortex which facilitates the fruitiness outcome of a dialogue ... which always is an "L" , a force ... a LIFEFORCE ... expression to the WorlD we guide on its path ...

;-) is there anything more to say ... here ?


okay a numerical thing is to be expressed : 92 = 4x23 ...

and 23 is the outcome of 22 - the solar wind aspiration electron in a "self-existing drama" which actually can be a very profound fusion ...

92 is both 11 and 7 ~ being the sum and split-result; where it also is resonant to 18 (9)

~~~ (but then Skywalker2 = Kin93 - that is right however its feminine side id Kin92 - as Kin94 is feminine 93 :)