The vision of GlobalGeniusVoter - GGV ... which is the role of the facilitator for Generation Binding S'ilence as ... another paradigm for lifetime election spheres as an educational game considering the whole as a stairway to ascend and descend in a breath or in a lifetimes moment of a person ... the stairway is constructed by little steps alltogether in a serial leading up or bringing down ... and in a perception those 2 movements in a mesh ... so there is a contact between the 2 generatio-types - capice? in the sphere where GGV mediates this 3th millenium vision (just a label!) ... a generation is a step of 7 years lifetime as a standard including the effect of the precious one and the coming one ... in the sphere of a community this idea of a generation as added with the generation at the other side of the spectrum experienced as true ... any questions on that ... do not hesitate and cling on to GGV or his blog ... just check the osho-button? namaste s'ace - GGV - dutch dutchy as a bivid ;-)