KweekSpell attracts the planets crew into another LifeWeekFrequency ; it is baseo on may shifting projects alive that all aim a "2nd creation human flight" as a better approach to the mutual contract facctoring the essences as transparent breathings ... at S/Heartic~27 (a label virating its means)
A step out of the adventure being honored as an agent to dissolve ... ( kin o'22 )
note: the KAMUTH green symbol is promoted to the DôME daya where all souls gather once a Moon ...
This daya is to be understood as the bird itself fliying 2 moons - the passed one and the coming one - both having 27 cells as kin/daya ... here the bird flies as 1 bird ...
see how it aligns the aliens symbol upperleft here ... (i didn't know tha one ..., however it sort of merges)
then it also flies a whole year - switchin wings from right to left continuously ...
The flight is 1/4th or a SKWEEK where the S is a metaphor for the 4 seasonal years merged as one - ness.
Actually the Bird is given Birth on 11/11 2009 where it was ignited on julY23 2009 at Dreamspell Kin Dragon 1 ... LongCount 213 :: Reed5 = BEN5 = Red Overtone Skywalker
Merging Spell at a Trinity Base is:
SEED4 the pinpoint from Dragon 1 in KweekMagiQ ... carried by the Red Skywalker that Explores All Space by Wakeful Presence ... as a Human T'Humbling Pleasure ...
;-) S'ace, a bivid biovoiding imagenary Bolon Ik -kin o'22- Aspirations